On more than one occasion as he was speaking about new ministries that have bloomed as a result of our trip...and the impact they were having on the orphans...I found myself placing my hand on my chest to cover an aching heart. Instantly reminded of the broken yet joyful spirit Romania uncovered.
One orphanage closed...I wonder...what happened to Bogdan...to Geta..to Ana Maria? Heartbreak...
A new Community Development Center has been opened, where for the first time children are learning how to use silverware, to shower, to enjoy hot food, to be loved. And then there are the girls of Zau...the orphanage that captured all of our hearts. Not only did the girls finally get a chance to leave the confines of "the hill" and explore countryside beyond the walls of their orphanage but now they have weekly life skills and Bible lessons...week long getaways...and soon transitional housing to help them break out of the cycle laid before them. Joy...
And the guy that inspired this all...a fellow trip participant...is the same guy I shared a late night conversation with on the couch in the lobby of a Romanian hotel. "I feel like God is calling me to do more...I can't go home and forget about these kids." He certainly didn't.
"So what do you think of the US so far Dacian?" I asked. He responds with a Romanian accent and slightly broken English, "I like the homes, but too much money goes into them, there are rooms nobody use, this is just my opinion." I suspect when you have the blessing of introducing a child to running water and hot food for the first time...it makes our sitting rooms seem absurd. :)
With words like consumerism and excess running wild in my head...I pulled onto the interstate to head home. But mid-way through the entry ramp...I literally stopped to take in the view of two enormous American flags billowing in the night breeze. As I marveled at the stars and stripes...only one thought remained...we are a blessed people...perhaps a fact often forgotten.