Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sitting at the Table

I was reunited with an old friend and co-worker in the Amsterdam airport as we boarded the last leg of our journey into Entebbe, Uganda. We stepped off the plane onto African soil and moments into our walk, the power went out throughout the entire airport – as it flickered back to life, I smiled and looked to Mike...”Welcome to Africa!”

We were greeted around 10:30pm after we made it through customs by a sign with our names. I have secretly always wanted to be greeted in such a manner. Although in reality there was a much stronger sense of relief vs. false sense of celebrity in that moment. :)

Enter Chester. A man I had not previously met face-to-face, yet immediately recognized due to the Internet, accompanied our sign and driver. I had learned of Chester during my time in Uganda last year. As I became familiar with the agriculture program in Lira - Victory Outreach Ministries Agriculture Project (VOMAP) – I also learned of it's Canadian partner – Crossroads and their field rep who made regular visits.

We made the short drive over to our guest house and settled in for the short evening. Despite the late hour, we sat with Chester on the patio and caught up like old friends, a task easily accomplished through shared passions and a love of Jesus.

And then there were four. Breakfast came at a painfully early hour and we sipped coffee around a table joined by Eldad. Eldad joined us from Israel on behalf of John Deere Water – focused on performing an irrigation assessment for VOMAP. We laughed and enjoyed the company of new friends, commenting on the different avenues that had brought us to the table.

We journeyed to the Kajaansi airstrip and boarded the MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship) flight to Lira. Amid the morning shower, a blessing in Uganda's rainy season, we all breathed a sigh of relief as our tires left the muddy airstrip behind.

And then there were more. Reuniting with friends and familiar faces in Lira was a blessing too precious for words. The joy and sincerity of a people I have come to love immediately flooded my heart. Pastor Johnson greeted me with a warm hug and a smile...”Welcome home!” as we settled in for some African tea and mandazi.

Later that day...we would sit around the table with six VOM local leaders to discuss the current situation and needs in the region and the life-giving value of water.

Later that day...I would sit amazed by our Heavenly Father who had perfectly orchestrated the different avenues that had brought us each uniquely to the table.