Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Secret is Out

She leaned over to whisper a secret to her big sister...“Guess what sissie...I gave my life to Christ today.” “That’s awesome!” Her sister exclaimed and her small, quiet voice continued...“yeah...we got forgiven from God.”

As I sat with the fourth grade twins in Bible study only a few hours earlier, one of them asked the question...“Do we have to get baptized to have our sins washed away?” I led into my best presentation of the Gospel and explained the difference between believing and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior and the purpose of getting baptized. When I got done, she excitedly asked...“Can we pray that prayer today?” Her twin echoed the desire. “Absolutely!” I said with a smile.

Each devotional we do ends with a prayer that I let the girls lead. As God’s timing would have it, that day the prayer box instructed: “If you have never trusted in Jesus as your Savior, you can do that right now.” “We just did that!” they exclaimed.

“Shhhhhhhh….but don’t tell anyone.” they whispered to their older sister.

“Why not?” she asked...

“Because WE want to!”

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