Sunday, June 5, 2011

Walk through fire

In the moments when I'm walking through fire...

I question...
I wrestle...
I cry.

I get angry...
I repent...

I wipe away my tears...

and start the cycle again.


when I finally reach the other side...and walk a bit further down the road...God nudges turn around...and take in what He's done.

"You may not like my methods...and you don't understand my ways...but you can not deny what I am doing child. I am in control. Always remember...I am with you...I am for love will never fail."

I wonder...what fires are you walking through tonight?

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Matthew 6: 33

Let us set our eyes upon Him.


Anonymous said...

Oh I sooo needed to read this tonight, Brandy! Love and miss you!

MCH said...

This is very timely, Brandy... I hope it was okay to share this with a friend who has been crying all day because of a major problem with her son.
You have a real gift for writing. Have you considered putting together a devotional that incorporates your experiences?
Hugs to you...

Puppy-Linux user said...

You have a lot of insight.

Brandy said...

Thanks guys...on the nights I feel like He's laid something on my seems to flow out of me. He's the one with insight. :) Yes please share. Hugs!