Somewhere between the chaos...the hate...the anger. Between the need...the love...the joy...they've won me. They're in my heart...they're on my mind...they're my CF kids.
I feel like I've crossed over the first major hurdle...that test of faith...when it was easier to back down...than to press on. I remember the night I was brought to my knees...spent...exhausted...overwhelmed...done. I rememeber thinking...this is when they quit. And a thousand excuses crept in my head to justify how me quitting would be different...would be excused. But I couldn't convince myself that God had removed this calling from my life. Fine...I'll stay. Each day I'm discovering the truth behind the statement...God doesn't call the equipped...he equips the called.
A small town farm girl surviving the streets of Century Woods...believe must be the case.
1 comment:
So did I mention I cry easily as I am sitting here at work? I kmow in talking to you that some days are hard - more difficult that I can imagine - you will win some and lose some, smile at some and smile at some you don't want to be smiling at, but God Bless you Brandy... You and your CF kids....
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