I still remember quite vividly the church service I attended in Romania...in the Gypsy village...amongst the poorest of the poor. It was held outside, under a vine roof...with a message that required translation...in a town without running water...homes without doors. Yet they gathered...in gracious harmony...praising God. And I remember thinking...of all the grand churches I've seen...the different services I've attended...this one...speaks.
I had the same feeling walking out of the Sanctuary Covenant Church that Sunday morning. Color...age...sex...income...deemed irrelevant. A picture of the multi-cultural body of Christ.
So many hopes were born in us during that trip...most of all...the affirmation...that it is possible.
Yesterday Christopher and Ebony (Teen Staff) and I strolled downtown Davenport. We meandered outside the Figge Art Museum, the sunlight on our shoulders. As we walked, large billboards caught our attention. We stopped and took in the peculiar piece before us...and drew closer to read the excerpt below:
“White against black, Christian against Jew, Moslem against Christian, human against human. So much hatred and so little coexistence. We have come to a time in the history of the world where we need to rediscover the path to peace, and the path to peace can never be war! This pathway is lined with the concept of coexistence and co inhabitance of the world.” ~Archbishop Desmond Tutu
We weaved our way throughout the exhibition. Some pieces humored us...some confused us...others captivated us...but in the end...they all spoke of coexistence.
I would encourage all who have the chance, to visit this exhibition while it remains in the QCA.
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