Every Wednesday morning...I make the short drive to church...to attend a women’s Bible study alongside many other women from different walks of life. As we wrap up a 10-week study...I reflect back on the journey and learning process I'm completing. How does each study continue to meet me where I am...and directly relate to my circumstances? As we share around our tables...it is evident that it has met all of these women exactly where they needed to be met. This divine reality never goes unnoticed. I'll never forget the first time the Bible became a living word in my life. In the prior days...the Bible was merely a book...a book of old rules...a book of old words...merely a book. I remember watching the elderly people I knew reading it...and wondering why they continually read it...knowing full well they had read it before. That was before I realized that those words...are never the same twice.
I'm currently reading another book...peppermint-filled piñatas...which illustrates how to move from simply tolerating people to loving people (even the difficult ones). The author shared a story of his encounter with a young gas station attendant who had begun passing his late night shift by reading a recently acquired stolen Bible. The question was simple...the answer profound. “Do you believe in God?” to which the attendant responded an answer the author would never forget “I never did, but now I know he is real because he is speaking to me through the Bible."
...more than a book.
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