Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Faith so small...

He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20-21

I still remember what it was like the day I posted signs at work to help promote the shoe drive for Shoes for Orphan Souls (through Buckner Orphan Care International). I had only recently heard about the organization and the mission after briefly tuning into the local Christian radio station. I was barely flirting with the idea of Christianity at that time, but knew that I had to take action for the cause.

I'm not a nervous person, but I quite likely shook as I was taping up the signs. After all, they stated we were collecting shoes for Romania's show the love of Christ. "Please contact Brandy." I returned back to my cubicle...fidgeting.

"I can't believe I just hung that up...what are people going to think...they are going to think I'm some weird Bible's not too late to take it down."

"No, I believe in the cause...and I'm not supposed to be ashamed, even in my workplace...I am going to leave it up."

Looking back, I still remember the weakness of faith. Faith so miniscule, some may have questioned its existence.

One Year Later...

Thursday, October 19th 2006

“Sitting in O’Hare airport, an hour and a half before we board. I can’t believe this trip is finally here. God is good. Everyone is great and brings their own strengths and weaknesses. I can’t wait to see how everything unfolds. I have no doubt there is a child – a specific child in Romania for each of us to impact. Lisa told me on the bus that she wanted to sit by me because I was so excited and it would rub off on her. But I did get a wave of sadness thinking of the reality of what we will face. How will I not bring one home? Lord give me the strength.”

One Year Later...

Saturday, December 8th 2007

A few guys from a local church were completing work projects in the youth center. “I recently traveled to Romania” one of them stated. “Did you go with WDLM?” I inquired? “Yes I did.” This spawned a wild fire of stories. When he started talking about Zau, a very special orphanage that tends to capture everyone’s heart, I watched as a smile crept upon his face. “There didn’t happen to be a little boy there named Dode (Dough-Dee) was there?” “I never would have remembered his name, but yes, he was actually in my group.” He responded.


Thursday, October 24th 2006

“We visited Zau Orphanage today. I can’t help but to have taken in the surreal moment...sitting in an orphanage in Romania sharing my testimony and the good news of Christ. It felt so good. The girls were quiet at first but did ask questions. Three all asking the same one: How do I get Jesus in my heart?” Dave, Beth and a few others have talked to me about my job and my future. I know they believe that I have a heart and a future for orphans. I know they are right – but I do not know where. This I turn over to God. One little boy today stole my heart. Very quiet, but he came over to join me and a couple of the girls. I watched him on and off all day. When it was time to say goodbye, I was losing it – and gave out all my hugs and turned to go to the bus – and there he appeared out of nowhere armed with a hug and a beautiful me just enough strength to board. God Bless and keep them all.”

The last hug I received from Dode.

And to think it all started with small as a mustard seed.

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