I've wanted to be in the FBI, CSI or some form of investigatory law enforcement for as long as I can remember. But among other factors, I allowed my dad, who likely didn't want his daughter to continually put herself in harms way...to talk me out of it. I can't help but to think he'd rethink that decision if he could have predicted where I'd end up...continually running into dark places...to spread the light of Christ. He'd probably prefer I carried a gun.
I don't want the territory where my feet tread to be safe for the kingdom of darkness. There is a war for our souls on this earth...whether you ever choose to acknowledge it or not. Our enemy will use whatever tactic necessary to keep us apart from God and move us toward destruction...through sin and bondage...apathy or deception -- he doesn't care which.
And so, I want to speak TRUTH where the Father of Lies has spoken...I want to bring freedom for those in captivity...I want to walk in the authority of Christ and disarm the enemy.
And this means running toward the darkness...armed by His grace and illuminated by His glory.
I want to leave everlasting footprints on those He's given me...
While I often don't get to see how their stories play out...I witness and serve as the Holy Spirit would lead me...sometimes with words...often with actions...fighting for the vulnerable...feeding the hungry...intersecting His Kingdom the moment their path crosses mine...
It is a transitional year for many of the dear ones He's put in my path...and I don't know what their futures will bring. I've been on my knees for these sweet souls with tears streaming down my face more times than I should probably admit...and I'd do anything to keep them safe and protected from the enemy. But I can not control their decisions, the circumstances which will surround them, or the spiritual journeys they must embark. I can only take every opportunity our sweet Lord bestows...to reveal Himself...to them....through me.
I don't want the territory where my feet tread to be safe for the kingdom of darkness. There is a war for our souls on this earth...whether you ever choose to acknowledge it or not. Our enemy will use whatever tactic necessary to keep us apart from God and move us toward destruction...through sin and bondage...apathy or deception -- he doesn't care which.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy...John 10:10
And so, I want to speak TRUTH where the Father of Lies has spoken...I want to bring freedom for those in captivity...I want to walk in the authority of Christ and disarm the enemy.
And this means running toward the darkness...armed by His grace and illuminated by His glory.
I want to leave everlasting footprints on those He's given me...
Those neighbors who live beside me...the co-workers who work beside me...friends...family...
...airplane seat companions...the hungry...the lost...the broken...even my enemies.
While I often don't get to see how their stories play out...I witness and serve as the Holy Spirit would lead me...sometimes with words...often with actions...fighting for the vulnerable...feeding the hungry...intersecting His Kingdom the moment their path crosses mine...
and trusting Him for those He's 'given' me...
It is a transitional year for many of the dear ones He's put in my path...and I don't know what their futures will bring. I've been on my knees for these sweet souls with tears streaming down my face more times than I should probably admit...and I'd do anything to keep them safe and protected from the enemy. But I can not control their decisions, the circumstances which will surround them, or the spiritual journeys they must embark. I can only take every opportunity our sweet Lord bestows...to reveal Himself...to them....through me.

I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word. John 17:6
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,
against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12
Keep packing your pistol with Luke 10:19-20 ammo Brandy look out devil she's living 1 John 3:8 again so run away!
Well isn't that a little gem buried in 1 John 3:8...the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. Amen Jay!
Brandy - hi. I love all that you're doing w/ Field of Hope. I am talking to some John Deere execs tomorrow and will be referencing your ministry. Thanks for all you do!
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