Sunday, February 3, 2008

He already knows

Amidst one of my first tests of faith...a friend recommended that I read the book of Job. In my reflections, Job's undying faithfulness left its footprints on my heart. But I couldn't help acknowledging a nagging disturbance...the way God had given Job into Satan's hands as a pawn...allowing him to inflict administer suffering. Something about imagining our loving God looking down on his faithful servant...and then making a bet with Satan on his faithfulness never sat right with me. But I kept reading...through Job’s unconceivable torment...and witnessed his perseverance...drank in his faithfulness...until his former life was restored...and then surpassed. I did not miss the good news. “The LORD blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the first.” Job 42:12

But this image of God and Satan wagering for and against the pawn still wouldn’t escape me.

This week as I sat in a coffee shop, absorbed in God’s word and a YouthWorker Journal, I stumbled across the following quote by C.S. Lewis: "God has not been trying an experiment on my faith or love in order to find out their quality. He knew it already. It was I who didn't."

My mind immediately flew back to these words penetrated that unanswered disturbance. God didn’t need his bet with Satan to prove Job’s faithfulness, he already knew it...perhaps it was Job who didn’t.

Sometimes I forget God’s sovereignty. His all powerful...all knowing...unconceivable nature. Sometimes I forget that God knows what I’m made of...but often is I who does not.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That is awesome!! I am kinda feeling the same lately. Its all about God knowing, and us not. Its amazing the way He works. Its not that we are testing His faithfulness to us (we think in our shallow minds), as much as it is He is testing our faithfulness to Him.
thanks for sharing! Se you Wed.