Sunday, November 25, 2007

Give Thanks

"Thank you for this food." A simple prayer...often skipped completely...or spoken routinely. But have you ever paused long enough to consider the value?

"Is there anything I can be praying for you?" I asked my 5th and 6th grade discipleship group. "Yes...please pray for food...we don't have any in the house...and can't afford anything." After the prayer, I took her aside to speak with her. "Dad started a new job and doesn't get paid until Friday." I had one thought...Friday...was painfully after Thanksgiving. "How would you like if I dropped off a Thanksgiving basket with plenty of food for the holidays?" I inquired. "Really would do that? Thank you so much!" She grabbed a hold of me with a hug. Thanks to our Moline food pantry...this became a reality...for a family who tries...a family who works...a family who came up short...a family who may have paused long enough to give genuine thanks this holiday season.

There is much I want to teach these kids...but every day they continue to teach me.

Slow down...count your blessings...give thanks. Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AMEN they teach us more sometimes than i think that we teach them!! they are incredible arnt they!! i love that story about the thanksgiving basket!! the kids continually amaze me!! i love them all!! and you are an incredible childrens director no matter what you say i cant wait to work with you again!