Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Love...what is it...we all want it...hope to find it...pray to keep it...but how do you define it?

Expressing love during this time of year seems to gravitate towards roses. While I've always been more of a wildflower tend to loose their prestige when someone slaps the "wildflower" label to them...but their beauty remains unaltered.

Tonight I met with the CF "Kid's Choir"...while they do more dancing than singing...we've yet to come up with a better name. The hope is that they'll be ready to perform in time for our annual banquet...but trust me when I tell you...this will require an act of God.

I've tried it all...from bribes to threats and everything in between...but they seem to bounce off the walls far more than they dance. Frustrated with the way practice had gone...I checked in with the teen staff as we walked to the van..."What am I doing wrong Brittnee?...what should I do?" She smiled..."you can drop me off first" she cleverly states, as the van filled with chaos.

Tyvon’s stop..."Brandy, am I going to see you tomorrow?" "No Tyvon...but I'll see you Saturday." "But you need to stop by my house tomorrow...I have a valentine for you...already filled out" :)

Pulling up to the last stop...Amari moves up. We have a routine...he bounces out of the van...walks around to the back of his house...disappears around the corner...comes back around and waves...letting me know he can get inside...and I pull away. Tonight was no different...except before he bounced out of the van...he stood up...and leaned over my shoulder...and out of nowhere...gave me a hug...

What is true love? I asked the kids during our devotional.

“It’s loving your mom”

“I love pizza”

“I love ice cream”

“It’s God”

I couldn’t disagree with any of their answers. While we discussed the origin of true love...I didn’t overlook the many ways it can be expressed...

...perhaps it’s your name on a valentine...or an unexpected hug.

This Valentine season...don't overlook the beauty of the wildflowers...waiting on the roses.

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