Friday, November 14, 2008

That's My King!

People are not confused by the gospel...they're really not. People are confused by what we've done to the gospel...what we've attached to the gospel. When you actually meet the God of the Bible, our one true God...things start to make sense. You're blown away by His saving grace...His ability to use our are awe struck by the plans He has for YOUR life. You bask in His are healed from your past...and relish in your new found future. When you actually meet our one true find discover experience redefine true love.

I think sadly our view of God has somehow been reduced to what we the people have reduced it too. He's weak, he's distant, he's unjustly judgmental, he's lame.

Quite frankly, I wouldn't serve a God like that...I really wouldn't. Why would I chase a faith that bored me? People often ask where my passion and zeal for the Lord comes which I can only you know Him? I've always been a bit of an adrenaline/adventure junkie. Give me a cliff and I'll bail off it...take me to the ocean and I'll dive into it. Introduce me to an All Mighty, All Powerful, All Knowing, All Loving God...

and yeah...I'll follow Him...because that's my king!

I know Him?


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the note and the audio clip. I heard that clip several years ago, but hadn't heard it since. Hearing his audio message doesn't gets old, just as the Word and the Truth endure. I understand that message was given at a conference of minister's, and that the man who gave it has since gone to be with the Lord.

Bob M

Tim said...

Can't get Him out of your mind...
Can't get Him off of your hand...
Can't outlive Him
Can't live without Him...

So poetically said, containing so much power and truth. Fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Wow Brandy! I'm with Bob...I love that clip. It's by S.M. Lockridge, and he died in 2000. I think he left quite a legacy though!