Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A choice

When sleep eludes me in the middle of the night, I'm in the silly habit of muttering to God in frustration, usually as I roll my eyes..."Ok've woken me up for something...what is it this time?" Sometimes I actually do have a profound moment with Him, either through his Word or prayer...other times I simply continue to kick the sheets until sleep falls again.

A few weeks ago, I woke up in the middle of the night as though it was midday. "Ok God...I'm all ears." I looked at my Bible laying on the floor, but didn't hear it calling my I decided to seek greater adventures...and moseyed downstairs. :) I flipped on the TV just as Dangerous Minds was beginning. (A 90's movie about a teacher struggling to connect with students in an inner-city school.) "Really, this is why you woke me up?" I said in jest as I settled in to watch. I had seen the movie a couple times before...but this time I watched until the class period which they discussed verbs. They camped on one verb in particular...I watched the outcome of the discussion and then flipped off the TV, walked upstairs and fell asleep. But the next morning and every day since then I've continually reflected on their verb..."choose."

more from The Shack...

Jesus speaking..."Have you noticed that even though you call me Lord and King, I have never really acted in that capacity with you? I've never taken control of your choices or forced you to do anything, even when what you were about to do was destructive or hurtful to yourself and others."

main character..."I would have preferred that you did take control at times. It would have saved me and people I care about a lot of pain."

"To force my will on you," Jesus replied, "is exactly what love does not do. Genuine relationships are marked by submission even when your choices are not helpful or healthy."


If we didn't have the total freedom to choose...we would not have the absolute ability to love.

God created the world because he loves us.

God created us to love him.

Love is a choice.

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