Friday, August 1, 2008

True Grace

This afternoon, we had a camp celebration for the 5th & 6th graders to touch base with them before school starts and camp fades into a distant memory. We ended the program with the raffle of a new bike, but kept the prize a secret until the end.

There were two kids in the back who continually caused a disruption during the program. As I'm having a "moment" with one of them in the hallway, I'm reminded why he continually tested my nerves at camp. I threatened to take his raffle ticket away, which generated the typical response, "I don't care." The prize was still unknown and truthfully, like most of us, he was probably plagued with the reality that his chances weren't that good of winning anyway.

Nevertheless I offered him a choice, take his ticket and go respectfully sit down or give me the ticket and stay in the hallway. Moments later, he was sitting with his ticket in hand. But the pep talk didn't last long I thought, as less than five minutes later I was once again holding his chances of winning the bike.

But as the message came to a close and the bike was word danced through my head. Grace. I reluctantly walked over to him, bent down and quietly asked "Do you know what grace is?" He shook his head. "It's receiving something that we don't deserve. None of us deserved Christ to die for our sins...but he did it anyway. You do not deserve this ticket...but I'm going to give it to you anyway. That's grace."

As he got off the bus during drop off, I hollered out the door..."You remember what grace is Raequan?" And as he wheeled his new bike up to his doorstep, he flashed a priceless smile over his shoulder, that let me least for today...he did.

Later that night, I passed Raequan on the streets. He was surrounded by about 5-6 kids showing off his new bike. I was still slightly in awe that he had actually won, and I still wasn't convinced he deserved it...but I was reminded...after all...that is true grace.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You make me cry! These 2 last posts are awesome! God is so amazing, He is just so amazing!!!
I hope to see you at Heaarstrings this Fall!