Thursday, May 24, 2007

Filled Space

Gearing up for summer camp...the interns have arrived! Dodgeball: Staff 1...Interns 0. Training week - CPR and First Aid down. As I type...Arabryana's voice fills the quiet space my condo used to she yaks on her cell phone. She's one of our interns...from out of new part time roommate. When she's not at camp - she'll be staying with me. When they asked for hosts a couple weeks ago...without hand shot up. When panic hit...I (shamefully) tried to back out...but the street corner wasn't an option. :) Already in our first few's clear she should be here...I look forward to what the summer will bring.

Girls of Grace...took a different spin this one girl was in the hospital for her diabetes. But girls still need grace in the we went for a visit! In our surroundings...we supplemented the bible study for a battle on the Nintendo GameCube (provided by the Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation - what a great cause!)

I brought the rest of the girls back to my place afterwards for supper and they played around with my digital camera. They had me post the pics on MySpace so they could get them. Imagine my I looked at one of their profiles with the new pic...her tag line changed to "A Girl of Grace" replacing something far more inappropriate. Small victories.

God bless mothers...who never stop cooking for their daughters. God bless the filled space.


Anonymous said...

I love the "Girls of Grace"! It is catchy and neat they love being a part of that "pile" as Gracie often calls "groups"...

And I would second that.... God bless mothers who keep cooking for their daughters. It has saved me many hours in the kitchen time and time again....

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are destined to have a roommate..."Filled Space" indeed. Should make for an interesting summer.

The changed tagline to "A Girl of Grace" is definitely progress and worthy of a big smile for you, Brandy. Small victories count big for God!
