Sunday, September 30, 2007

Christian vs. Christ Follower

The most popular resistance to my faith seems to be the argument that many Christians are hypocrites...or judgmental...and there is the popular stance against organized religion.

They are currently playing a short comic video series at church. It is the "Christian" vs. the Christ follower. It pokes fun in a resemblance to the PC vs. Mac commercials. The "Christian" painting the perfect exterior picture of what being a Christian should look like...while the Christ follower is more concerned with actually following Christ.

Many times when these arguments are brought frustration lies in the fact that I agree with them...but lack the words to is in this agreement for which my faith stands.

Some people get it wrong...some churches get it wrong. Often people get caught up in the exterior...and don't realize that God is looking at the interior. Some churches preach a doctrine so far from the Bible that I wonder if God recognizes Himself as they pray to Him. And yes some Christians are hypocritical and judgmental.

But I wonder...when I'm in front of God on judgment day...what he's going to say any of this had to do with me...and my faith. You see...when we get up's not about them anymore...and never was.

Some people get it wrong...some churches get it is more important...that you get it right.

Since this entry was semi-controversial – I’ve edited it for clarity.

I do not want to take away from my love or importance of the church. Instead I hope these thoughts simply help shed a different light on faith for those whose may have been tainted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are getting the "big picture" aren't you! As many songs say, it's change and faith from the inside out that matters, and not outside appearances or actions.

Aren't all Christians hypocrites when you consider they want to be Christ-like and fail, sometimes they fail spectacularly. It's not that they fail that matters as much as that they believe and continue to try to be like Him. That is, they are hypocrites if your definition of a hypocrite is one who isn't what he tries to be, or professes to be what he wants to become, but isn't yet such.

If merely confessing, repenting, and accepting made one perfect then there would be no reason for them to remain on earth - we remain here to run a race to the end however long, hard, and convoluted it may be. Heaven is for believers made perfect by faith in Jesus as Savior, not for those who are working out their "salvation" according to their on thoughts and definition of the truth.

I've found those who use the ages' old excuse of "hypocrites" are the real hypocrites. They say they don't want to be part of a congregation, they don't see any difference in those who go to church and say they are Christians, they don't agree with that kind of church worship; but do they worship at home on Sunday in what they consider the "right" way, do they sing the "right" songs of worship at home on Sunday, do they read the scripture with family at home on Sunday; do they give a portion of their time, talent, and treasure to God each Sunday and thoughout the week?

I think most of the naysayers don't worship at home, and that they "worship" only what this world offers and God, if there is one in their mind, is "fair" and that being "good" people --- He, if He exists, will surely accept them.

God is not "fair" He is "just" and he judges based on His truth. God desires that all will be saved, but makes it clear that not all will be. Would you rather be a believer who tries but fails to do what he should (as Paul stated), or one who doesn't beleive, but is deemed "good" by their own definition.

It's much easier to say this to a blog than to someone in person, but there it is. BobM