Monday, July 30, 2007

Throw out the rulebook

God amazes me in ways I can't explain...daily. Whether that be through making my finances patience perspective to change...or my heart to heal...God divinely amazes me. When you rely on the one that created you...when you surrender your life to His will...when you discover the purpose of this time...there is no emotion to explain it.

Many argue that they "believe in God"...but if you truly believe in God...does it not intrigue you to peal back the layers of mystery and discover His plan awaiting you? For what good is believing in Him...or knowing about Him...if you don't actually know Him?

I used to think it started with a never occurred to me to start with Him. Throw out the rulebook's simply a time to get to know His character...His purpose...His love...His's simply a time to get to know...Him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your insight is growing rapidly. It is pleasing to see the affect on your life and your thoughts.

Bob M