Thursday, August 23, 2007

Do they know I'm white?

Christopher and Ebony (Teen Staff) have joined me on a few adventures that pulled them out of their comfort zone: from my parents' farm, to the river, to picking vegetables from a garden, to making salsa. Each time I introduce a new experience...or new location...or new people...I've gotten the same question before we go..."do they know we're black?" To which I get this panicked look in my eye..."oh man...I forgot to tell them". :) I'm kidding...although I actually have said that to them once...for a laugh...but usually I immediately tell them not to be ridiculous - as if color makes a difference.

Chris, Willie and I are taking off tomorrow morning to visit a youth center and then a Hip Hop Church in Minneapolis. We are looking to glean ideas on what's working...and see what we may be able to implement in Rock Island. Chris set up the trip details concerning the church...where he ran into overwhelming hospitality...and an invite to discuss programming, attend a Hip Hop concert and worship service, stay the night with the Youth Program Director and his wife, and attend church services Sunday morning. As I was preparing for the trip...and imagining attending a Hip Hop concert and worship service...a tiny thought popped into my head...I wonder if they know I'm white? What a stupid thought right? I let it remain a thought...but if I know Chris, had I asked...his response to me would be in the "oh man...I forgot to tell them" realm. :) I know...stop being ridiculous - as if color makes a difference.

I guess that is the difference of them being out of their comfort zone...and me out of mine - me out of mine...makes me understand a little bit better...them out of theirs. But I’m honestly psyched about the Hip Hop service!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the trip and hope you learn some things that can be used in RI.

P.S. Take some ear plugs just in case.

Bob M