Monday, August 13, 2007

Who can you learn from?

"It's my fiercest determination to keep putting faculty line-ups together that make a portion of you get your underwear in a bundle." Willow Creek Community Church Senior Pastor, Bill Hybels challenged our perceptions on who we can learn from.

Can marketplace people learn from pastors...can pastors learn from marketplace people? The speaker line up included: senior pastors, a Harvard Business School professor, a former Secretary of State, an Oscar-nominated screenwriter, and a former president, among others.

"I know some leaders who can only learn from people who are pretty much like them...think like them...pray like like them...see the world the way they do. Whenever I see a leader like that I feel sorry for the leader and I feel even worse for his or her followers."

The CF staff attended the 2007 Leadership Summit held at Willow Creek Community Church. The Summit was nothing short of phenomenal...for church leaders and business leaders alike. If you are in any sort of leadership position and find yourself reading this...simply said...go.

Challenge yourself by asking...who can you learn from?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.