Friday, August 17, 2007

You got my back

After the Leadership Summit, the staff takes a mandatory shutdown week and both youth centers are closed down. It is a chance to reflect on the conference...the summer...and take a deep breath before plunging into the fall. After a couple days away from it started sinking in...I miss them. The kids...even the worst ones...I miss them.
Tonight I "cheated" and took a few to the New Windsor Rodeo...meeting my parents there.
It was a first for all of them so we did it up right with a mix of the rodeo, rides and cotton candy.

Rodeo, 12 years and
Jumbo bag of cotton candy...5 dollars...
4 sets of sticky fingers fast asleep on their way home...priceless.

"Brandy...I'm just making sure that you'll be alright taking the kids home tonight by yourself...although I know you'll say that you will be no matter what"..."Yes mom...I'll be fine."

(Although I do admit each time I pull into Century Woods I shoot a quick prayer up..."Alright got my back")


Anonymous said...

Can't help but feel God already has your back covered in all this, but He loves to hear us ask for protection we're asking for you to be safe too! "Priceless" rewards are the best! Of course, God's gift of His Son's life for ours is the best "priceless" gift of all. Blessings to you. DonnaM

Anonymous said...

Hi, Brandy--I so enjoy reading your blog. You have a gift for communicating the everyday events into a meaningful, soul-baring lesson from God. Thanks for sharing. I keep you in my prayers. Kathleen