Monday, October 29, 2007

How are you doing?

It was a question I was asked yesterday. But not in the generic...not really wanting to know or even waiting for an answer sort of way. But in a "I know what you've been are you actually doing" sort of way. Truthfully it was the first time in a long time that I slowed down long enough to consider it.

The rest of the day I played the question over and over again in my head. Simple enough question, I could even count the hundred times throughout the day I was asked it. But this one...was different.

It wasn't only me wrestling with the answer that captivated me. It was the feeling that someone genuinely cared to wait for a heartfelt response.

It has me thinking...what a simple gesture we could all mimic. Taking the time for compassion...taking the time for people. Slowing down our business to actually find out...

How are you doing today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A great reminder to us all to ask this ("How are you doing?") with the a sincere intent to really listen and really want to know. I truly hope you are doing well in this ministry, and pray for you and others at CF often.